Price Speaks Out at Board of Health Meeting
Delegate Price Speaks Out at Board of Health Meeting
September 15, 2016
Press Release Contact: Tempestt Boone, 757-266-5935
RICHMOND, VA – Today, Delegate Marcia S. “Cia” Price of the 95th District spoke during the public comments section of the Virginia Board of Health meeting. The Board was meeting to discuss regulations in various arenas, including women’s clinics.
Since the June 2016 United States Supreme Court decision in Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt, there has been a huge push for states across the nation to repeal laws like that of Texas that were found to be unconstitutional. Price along with other progressive leaders point out that the so called “TRAP laws”, or clinic shutdown restrictions, were passed under Republican leadership, much of which had no input from medical professionals who work in women’s clinics. The restrictions have been proven to be meaningless in making procedures safer or ensuring more quality care for the patients.
In her remarks, Delegate Price asked, “What message does it send to the public if the Commonwealth of Virginia chooses to knowingly enforce restrictions that have been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States? What message does it send?” She continued, “The legislature should trust women and their doctors and the Board of Health should trust the Supreme Court of the United States.”
Delegate Jennifer Boysko of the 86th District joined the voices speaking out against the restrictions, calling for amendments based in science and data to overturn the politically motivated restrictions. There were more than 60 citizens present despite the postponed vote.
Delegate Price ended her remarks by saying, “Today is about you, our esteemed Board of Health of the Commonwealth of Virginia, standing up to do the right thing and refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws. Today and your hopefully expedited impending vote are about upholding the efficacy of our beloved institution.” ###